Sunday, March 24, 2013

get to know me: Liebster Award #2

I received The Liebster Blog Award from my style sister Amanda @ The Sequined Spaniel, last week. And also from my sweet friend Kelsey @ Brighter Things. You can also check out my answers to the Liebster Award I received earlier this month. I am so grateful for all the amazing blogging friends I have made so far since I started aBree Fashion back in January. Thank you!!

"What’s a Liebster Award you ask? Liebster is a German word meaning dearest, and the award is given to up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging. It's also a great way to discover new blogs!"

Here are the rules:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter and link back to their blog.
2. Share 11 things about yourself and answer the questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 5 blogs that you enjoy to receive the award who have less than 200 followers, and provide them with questions to answer about themselves.
4. Inform them of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog.

11 Things About Me...I even added some pictures that went along..
1. My favorite show of ALL TIME is One Tree Hill. It started when I was in 9th grade. I've seen all the seasons multiple times and the first 4 seasons I've seen at least 5 times... I own all the DVD's and I LOVE THEM. I also love that they feature my favorite singer - Gavin Degraw. My more recent guilty pleasure since One Tree Hill ended last year is Pretty Little Liars. I've also loved Prison Break, Lost, and Heroes.

2.My favorite place is Italy. It's mostly in my head because I've only been there once - and I only got to be in two cities. I went to Milan for a week on a study abroad through FIT and I was able to take a day trip to Venice. I am DYING to go back and travel all over Italy. I even took Italian my freshmen year at BYU because I love it so much. I love Italian food. I love the art. It's beautiful. While there for 7 days I ate 21 scoops of gelato. Heavenly.

3. I was in my high school Math club and I was also Sterling Scholar for Dance.

4. My favorite tradition with my family is dressing up for Christmas. My siblings get together on Christmas Eve and think of a theme and it is so much fun because we look so silly.

5. Somehow I managed to live out of a tiny closet for one and a half years while I was living in NYC. 

 My small side of my FIT dorm - I shared my room with one other girl. 

The small studio apartment I shared with my friend

6. I was a gymnast from age 3-11; level 8 when I had to quit because of a knee injury. Beam was my best event. After, I started competitive dancing which I did from age 12 until I graduated high school. I was on my FIT dance team (age 19-21) and now I teach Jazz Dance at BYU. 

7. I love learning. I've been in college since 2008. I've taken two semesters off, have one degree in Fashion Design and will eventually  have my second degree in Business Management.

8. I LOVE black licorice ice cream. From Farr's. It is my guilty pleasure. So yummy. That and creme brulee are possibly my favorite desserts. And since we're on the topic of food. I love pickles - all kinds. I prefer salty over sweet usually. I hate the taste of mayo/miracle whip. And I am very impatient with food and though I am not very picky I don't like to eat the same dish too often. 

9. I have a REALLY hard time thinking of 11 things about myself... I was born in Oklahoma, moved to Michigan when I was 3, moved to Utah when I was 10, moved to NYC when I was 19, moved back to Utah when I was 21. (Will be moving back to NYC after finishing up school at BYU).

10. I enjoy being healthy. Working out and eating well make me extremely happy. It is so hard as a student to do these things so I do miss too many workouts and eat taco bell, french fries, and Cadbury Eggs  more than I should... I can't wait until I have the time and money to eat and workout how I please.

11. And if you are new and didn't already know - I love weddings!!! I am currently planning my own and making my wedding dress (which will be done on Wednesday!). I get married in 41 days. 

My Questions From Amanda:
  1. Spring or Fall? Fall; I love the changing colors and the cool air. The tights and the boots. I don't love summer so I am always ready when it cools down.
  2. Tell us the best book you've read recently. Eh... I read lots of text books... I haven't read a leisure book in a long time. I started "A Lucky Child" back in the fall when I was on a trip which is about a child from the Holocaust  I am intrigued by history. But I also love my Harry Potter, Twilight Series, Uglies Series, The Blue Bloods Series, etc. I also love Religious books. 
  3. What's your #1 pet peeve? When ladies don't take the tack out of their flaps on their skirts and coats. I see it ALL TOO OFTEN. Drives me crazy. They are meant to be taken out. 
  4. What's your favorite color palette? Right now it's my wedding colors. Golds, Champagnes  Sparkle, Navy, and Mint Green. 
  5. Name your best childhood memory. Caroling, visiting my granny and grandpa, and getting new pajamas every Christmas Eve. And sledding on the golf course in our backyard. 
  6. Are you a dog person or a cat person? Neither. I don't love any animals... sorry. I'm allergic to cats. My family didn't grow up with any pets. My fiance is allergic to all pet dander.  
  7. If you had to live in a decade other than the current one, which would you choose and why? None, I am so grateful to live in this day and age. I really can't pick...
  8. Do you prefer Chicago deep dish or New York style pizza? I should say NY since I lived there and their pizza is great but I think I prefer the deep dish. The bigger the better right?
  9. What's your favorite thing about fashion? I just love  beautiful things. 
  10. What/who inspired you to start blogging? I started blogging for my family when I moved to NYC when I was 19 (2009) and now I just have separated the personal from the fashion. I don't really know if anyone really inspired me. I just love dressing up. My friend Katie is the one who first told me I should start documenting my clothes - this was back in 2010 when I was working at J.Crew.
  11. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why? Taylor Swift. I just love her. I want to wear all her sparkly gowns. Or Jenna Lyons. Amazing. I met her once at NY Fashion Week. That was a good day. 
My Questions From Kelsey:
  1. Why did you start blogging? See question 10 above. 
  2. Where is your favorite place to go? Home. Bed. J.Crew. Anywhere with Taylor.  
  3. What is your most favorite time of year? I am SO impatient. I would say my favorite time of year is the beginning of each season. Right when it cools of I am in heaven, but the first snow fall is AMAZING! And when the weather warms up it is so lovely outside, yet the hot summer nights are so perfect. I get so sick of the seasons though so just the first little bit of change is what is my favorite. 
  4. If you could go to anyplace in the world where would you go? Italy. 
  5. Where do you like to shop? Easy. J.Crew.
  6. Who is your favorite artist? I really enjoyed Art History. I took 4 Art History/Humanities classes at BYU. I love the classical pieces and I remember really being drawn to Jan van Eyck's The Ghent Altarpiece. The detail is unreal and so spectacular.
  7. What do you do for family time with your family? Play games. Ticket to Ride, Canasta, Mexican Train... 
  8. What make-up item could you not live without? Chap stick. and Mascara. 
  9. How do you like to style your hair? My hair is stick straight. So down and straight. But mostly I get annoyed with it so up and back in a ponytail. 
  10. What is one of your favorite memories? Getting engaged to Taylor. Story here
My Questions For My Nominees:
  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is your career/day job? And/or dream job?
  3. What are your favorite ways to relieve stress?
  4. If you could travel anywhere where would you go?
  5. What puts the biggest smile on your face? 
  6. Who are some of your favorite singers/bands?
  7. What is one thing you'd like to do before you die?
  8. What is one of your guilty pleasures? 
  9. Who is your first phone call to after a bad day, and why?
  10. What are 3 adjectives to describe you? 
  11. How many siblings do you have?
My Nominees Are:
Kylie Rae @ Shimmer Me Pretty

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